Careers Newsletter: September 2024

Welcome back to the new school year!  

For those of you who are new to Hertswood, we publish a careers newsletter each month.  The newsletter will provide you with details of work experience opportunities that are available, highlight careers you may not have considered and provide information about industries in Hertfordshire to help you start to make those important decisions about the future.

Hertswood Careers Team

Upcoming Highlights

Last year we had a very active and successful year with careers activities.  This year we are looking at arranging even more opportunities for our students to find out about jobs that they may be interested in.  We have already organised the following opportunities for our students:

Hertfordshire Fire Service are coming in to talk to Key Stage 3 students about jobs that are available within the service.

Gristwood and Toms are coming in to talk to Year 11 students about careers available in the arboriculture industry.

Hobbs Salon are coming in to talk to Year 11 students about careers available in the hair and beauty industry.

Generation Hertsmere - In November we will be taking Year 10 and Year 12 students to the Generation Hertsmere careers fair where students will have the opportunity to talk to over 40 local employers.

Glenelly Infrastructure Solutions - are coming in to talk to students about careers in the electricity industry.

Wilmott Dixon - are coming in next month to speak to Year 11 students about the wide range of roles in the construction industry and the wide variety of ways into the industry.

Soaring to Success - Later this term we will again be participating in the Soaring to Success programme organised by the Air League.  This will give Year 9 students the opportunity to find out about jobs in the aviation and aerospace industries.  There will be representatives from organisations such as Boeing, Airbus, the RAF and the Civil Aviation Authority.  Later in the year the students will be able to learn more about specific roles and hopefully in the summer we will again be able to take students flying at Elstree Aerodrome.

Sky Studio's - in October we are taking students from art, photography and music to Sky Studio's to find out about how to become involved with the media industry.

Phantom Records - representatives from Phantom Records are coming in to speak to students about how a recording studio works and how students can become involved with the recording industry.

Work experience - again the year 10 students will be going on work experience for a week in July.

This is just what we have arranged so far.  We are always working on many more opportunities and we have a number of organisations we are talking to about coming in to school to speak to students about a wide variety of industries and careers.


In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers education information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and tailored support when choosing their next step after school. We have invested in an online application called Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform. All students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 now have access to this excellent website.

The Unifrog platform is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own personal account that provides a wide range of information related to their interests and aspirations.  Key features of the platform include:

Exploring Pathways – personality quizzes, career and subject profiles, MOOCs and webinars

Recording – self-reflection about extracurricular activities and key employability skills

Opportunities – search tools showing live vacancies/courses/placements for apprenticeships, universities (in the UK and abroad), FE, virtual work experience and much more

Applications – tools to help students build applications for a range of pathways (e.g., CVs, Personal Statements, Common App Essays)

All students have access to the platform, which is unique to them. They login to Unifrog using their email address and password and they can do so from any computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage all students to use the platform at home too, so parent/carers can support their child through the process of deciding their next step

Boosting your CV

So what is a CV?  CV is short for Curriculum Vitae and is a short document which summarises your unique skills, character, experience and achievements.  

For students it can feel difficult to know what to write as you haven't had the time to build up the experience that employers always seem to want.

In this section we will look at ways of making your CV stand out for future employers so you can get that dream job and in an ever more competitive job market it is never too soon to start thinking about shaping your CV.

Get involved in extra-curricular activities:

You might not be aware of it, but we have a large number of activities that you can take part in that will help you gain valuable experience. Some of the best activities to consider signing up for include:

Above all, what these activities show is that you have initiative. Most employers are aware that young people find it difficult to get their first break and will appreciate the effort you’ve taken to gain as much work experience as you can.

Careers in Hertfordshire: Life Sciences

The 'Golden Triangle', made up of Oxford, Cambridge and London, marks the central cluster of the UK’s life sciences industry, at the heart of which lies Hertfordshire. Within the triangle are four of the world’s top 10 universities for medical and scientific research: Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London and University College London.

UK researchers and institutions have been credited with major scientific breakthroughs including the discovery of penicillin and the structure of DNA, advancements in neuroscience and medical imaging, and developments in stem cell research and in-vitro fertilisation. Businesses benefit from the opportunity to tap into this pool of talent and research expertise.

Britain’s life sciences industry has a track record for excellence and is supported by a tax structure that rewards innovation. More than 5,600 life sciences companies operate in the UK, with a turnover of over £60 billion and exports that exceed £30 billion. These companies span product development, supply and associated services, and employ more than 220,000 people.

The sector is supported by a skilled workforce. In 2016, a total of 38,800 science, research, engineering and technology professionals worked in Hertfordshire – 50% above the national average, with an additional 10,300 people working as science, engineering and technology associate professionals.

There are 2,800 people working in pharmaceuticals and the industry is 4.1 times more important as a local employer than the national average. More people work in pharmaceuticals manufacturing in Hertfordshire than in any other Local Enterprise Partnership area in England. The total number of pharmaceuticals manufacturing jobs is 75% higher than in Greater Cambridgeshire, Greater Peterborough and the Oxfordshire areas combined.

Life sciences employed 13,200 people in Hertfordshire in 2015. There were 330 enterprises in pharmaceutical and life sciences research in 2016. While the sector is dominated by large enterprises, there has been a remarkable growth in the business population, which has risen by 4.1% annually since 2010.

For more information please go to 

Current Opportunities

IN this section we will highlight upcoming opportunities  for students to learn about and get involved with careers that may interest them.

This month we have an opportunity to learn about roles within dietetics (nutrition and diet) in the NHS .